Using AC To Fight Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies can make your life miserable and make you hate the season. There are many things you can do to keep the flare-ups down; the problem is best tackled from different angles. For example, you can use your air conditioner (AC) to reduce the number of allergens in your home; here is how:

Install the Right Filter

The first tip is to ensure you have installed the right filter. Remember that regular air filters are meant to trap particles big enough to affect your AC's operation, not to clean polluted air. Therefore, you need filters that are designed to protect you from the smallest particles.

Ideally, you should install a HEPA (high-energy particulate air filter) air filter with a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) of 9 or higher. The MERV ratings range from 1 to 16, with the higher numbers having better filtration efficiency than the lower ones. Ensure you change your filters frequently so that they can serve you as well as they are designed to.

Keep Your AC Clean

The second step is to ensure that your AC system is clean; any dirt on the system can recirculate and contaminate the air you breathe. Some of the specific areas you need to focus on, as far as cleanliness is concerned, include the area around the outdoor unit and air return vents and registers.

The area around the outdoor AC unit should be kept clean because this is where the system draws in the air so that it can be conditioned and circulated in your house. This means if it has flowers, bits of leaves or dust, they can easily be sucked into your house.

Keep Mold Growth at Bay

Lastly, you also need to do your best to keep mold at bay. Mold is one of the worst things you can have in your air if you suffer from seasonal allergies. In fact, even those who don't suffer from allergies can develop respiratory problems by breathing in air laced with mold. Here are a few tips to employ so that your AC doesn't encourage mold growth:

  • Keep the AC running; warm air is a catalyst for mold growth
  • Ensure there is efficient airflow
  • Maintain your AC
  • Clean your AC

The tips above should help you keep your indoor air clean and free from pollutants that may encourage allergy flare-ups. If your AC hasn't been serviced for a long time, then you should probably start by scheduling a major service. For more information, contact a business such as Airwaves Heating & Air Inc.   
