Before you turn off your heating and prepare for warmer weather, there is some maintenance that needs to be done around your home. The following tips will help with the maintenance and repairs that are going to be needed to get ready to turn off the heating and crank up the AC when summer is here:
1. Turning the Furnace Off and Checking It for Repairs That Need to Fixing
The furnace of your home will need to be turned off before you start using the cooling system. Make sure that the gas and main power have been shut off. In addition, check your furnace for signs of problems and damage that needs to be repaired. Fixing repairs now will prevent problems from getting worse and issues when you need to use it again next winter.
2. Changing the Air Filters and Maintenance for Ductwork Before Summer
The air filters of your heating and air conditioning will need to be changed before you start using the AC. In addition, there is also maintenance that needs to be done to the ductwork, which includes cleaning the ducts, inspecting vents, and checking the dampers to make sure that they have been adjusted for the cooling system in your home.
3. Removing AC Winterization and Cleaning the Unit to Prepare for Hot Summer Weather
One of the ways that you can protect your AC during the winter is covering it and winterizing vulnerable components like condensate lines. When you get ready to turn off the heating and start with AC maintenance, you are going to need to remove this winterization to prepare for the winter months.
4. Inspecting and Servicing Your Air Conditioner Before Summer
Lastly, you will want to have your AC serviced before the summer months arrive. During the servicing of your AC, you may want to have it inspected for problems like a damaged compressor, which can lead to freezing during the hot weather. The HVAC technician may be able to charge the compressor, but if it is low on coolant and leaking, it usually means that it needs to be replaced.
These are some maintenance and repair tips to help you with the maintenance and repairs your HVAC system will need before summer. If you are ready for summer and need help preparing the mechanical systems in your home, contact an HVAC service for help with these maintenance needs.