2 Issues That Will Damage Your Air Conditioner's Blower Motor

You just installed your new central air conditioning system and want to ensure that it will be capable of providing cool, comforting air to your household for the next several years. However, if you don't take the steps to properly maintain your unit's blower motor, the component that produces airflow throughout your system, then you can expect to receive expensive repair bills within the near future. Here are two issues that will damage your blower motor and the steps you must take to prevent them. [Read More]

3 Tips For Helping Your Air Conditioner Keep You Cool This Summer

Did you know that your air conditioner is designed to only drop the temperature in your house by a certain range of degrees? For example, some air conditioners may only be able to cool your home to 20 degrees below the temperature outside. If the high temperatures in your area only reach around 85 degrees, that's fine – you can easily bring your home down to a nice cool 75 degrees or so. [Read More]

3-Step Guide For Cleaning Your Central Air Conditioner Unit

Keeping your central air conditioning unit clean not only prolongs its life, but can also save you money on your energy bills because air flow is not obstructed. Follow the three-step guide below to give your air conditioner a thorough cleaning twice a year. Step 1: Clear Any Growth Away From The Outside The first step involves clearing away any grass or other plant growth from the outside of the AC unit. [Read More]

Options For Air Conditioning Your Garage

Whether you're using the garage to work on hobby projects or plan to turn the space into an epic man (or woman) cave, keeping your garage cool when it is blistering hot outside will likely be at the top of your to-do list. There are a couple of ways you can accomplish this feat, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Patch Into an Existing System If your garage is attached to your home and you have a central air conditioning system, you can hire a contractor to extend the system to cover the garage. [Read More]