The Dangers Of Ice On A Heat Pump HVAC System

Heat pumps are an important part of many HVAC systems because they use natural heat to warm a house. Unfortunately, these outdoor systems often suffer from severe ice problems. As a result, it is necessary to carefully manage this situation to ensure it never happens again. Ice Can Form On The System Coils The system coils of the heat pump typically get a little cold during the winter and even during the summer. [Read More]

Get Ready For Summer: Prepare Your Air Conditioning For The Hot Weather Ahead

As the summer months are getting closer, it's time to think about your home air conditioning system. While you can wait until the weather gets hot to turn your system on, you are better off getting your system serviced before the need for HVAC contractors is high. When you get your system maintained before the start of the season, you are less likely to have a system breakdown. While you can't avoid all emergency repairs, you will have fewer cooling emergencies when you have your system serviced before you begin using it on a daily basis. [Read More]

Heating The House While Waiting For The Furnace Repair Person

If your furnace has gone out, then you want to call someone out to fix it right away. Especially if this has happened in the middle of winter or during the region's cold snap. You may end up finding out that it will take some time before a repair person can make it out to you if they have a lot of other repairs ahead of you due to the extreme weather. [Read More]

Bigger Isn't Always Better When It Comes To Your Air Conditioner

You want your home to be as comfortable as possible, so it only makes sense to have the most powerful air conditioning system money can buy, right? As it turns out, purchasing the biggest A/C system you can get your hands on isn't always the best way to take care of your home's cooling needs. The following explains why buying an oversized air conditioner can leave you and your home in worse shape when it comes to overall cooling comfort. [Read More]