Residential Air Conditioning Tips For Triple-Digit Summer Days

When the outdoor temperatures reach the triple digits and your residential air conditioner struggles to keep your home cool, it's easy to think there's something wrong with the HVAC system. However, it is more often the case that the system just can't handle the excessive heat without some proactive intervention by you. And, this is ultimately a great thing because it means you won't have any expensive air conditioner repair or replacement bills! [Read More]

Why Install Central Air Conditioning Over Other Cooling Options

Tired of dealing with the summer heat and want air conditioning in your home? If so, you have a few options to pick from that will get the job done. Here are some reasons to get central air conditioning over your other options. Comfort One thing that can't be beaten with central air is the overall comfort in your home. When you use other cooling methods, it is not going to evenly cool your home. [Read More]

Tips For Saving Electricity (And Money!) On Air Conditioning This Summer

Summer is a lot of fun when you are out at the lake or beach with your family, but it isn't quite as wonderful when it comes to trying to keep your home cool. Central air conditioning systems are great but they are also expensive to run. And, it seems like that's all they do on really hot days!  If you dread the high electricity bills that come along with the hot days of summer, then follow each of these tips to save. [Read More]